Ryan W.

Thesis Sentence:

Connecting the edges of society with the forefront of shared economy (AirBnb) to better the livelihood of the homeless population in Portland, Oregon.


  1. Do the voids need to exist for my concept?
    1. I don’t think they do, but so far that was how I thought of integrating spaces throughout the building. At a conceptual level the voids are a strong idea, but when I have taken them to be real spaces/tubes, they lose a lot of meaning. I want to integrate more systems into their use, and look at how materials will make them more interesting/effective.
  2. Can AirBnB do more than just ‘rub shoulders’ with the ground floor tenants by only providing them with a space to use?
    1. I will try to integrate the program more so throughout the building. Nancy had a very cool idea of how the people can use the building through different stages, i.e. ground floor for community center,  2nd-5th floors office space and training spaces for potential employees from drop-in center, housing on the upmost floors (the end goal). I will look at how people can relate from floor to floor, and if something like this already exists.
  3. Will this building work if a new program is later implemented in the future?
    1. At the moment my building is too unique/too catered to my program. I need to make the footprint and floor plans more generalized, but without losing character or losing the concept of integration. I want to look at general retail spaces and see how I can modify them to make a drop-in center function.