Assignment 6a: Integration of System + Method + Qualities
Lets meet in groups of 3 to discuss the selection of 2 qualities to map.
Each student should present diagrams / images (bold sketch) that integration:
- Constructive System: unit location such as a primary structural bay of the most intense moment of idea + construction. This is the tectonic moment. Draw an axonometric drawing of this moment, perhaps of the primary structure and the enclosure dashed in a light / toned qualitative affect. *Construction / structure is primary.
- Design Method: show a diagram of the method and other workflow of the method. CRISP and refine diagram flow would be helpful (see Stephen Maher’s diagram or food carts research)
- Qualities to Map: each person should identify 2 primary qualities to map. They will borrow data from other people but these 2 data should be very thoughtful and related to the above diagrams. Find examples of similar qualities / indicators and data dictionaries in the summer 2015 social interaction data and summer 2016 ecology of air, water and heat/light smaller group projects and, sub-groups and integrated data . We can dig up the tool/databases and data dictionaries together.