Week 01: share one, get two…

One space can have more purposes if you share it.

The same can be true for office spaces, which only get effectively used during work time.

For Airbnb, the concept of sharing can spread into the their own office in many ways:

  1. becoming a host themselves. Airbnb office will invite temporary users into their office space after work, on weekends, and holidays. Airbnb can become the living room in the city for the residences or travelers in PDX.
  2. sharing the amenities with the traveling population of the city of Portland. For the first time Airbnb will own their amenities for their travelers. To not compete with Airbnb hosts in the city, the office will NOT provide a resting place for more than 3 hours.
  3. for humanity purpose, this is where Airbnb offers hygiene opportunities for transient population.
  4. (if this doesn’t count as stealing), Airbnb can always have extra office space for future growth and rental to other companies.

I still have troubles figuring out what activities are the best alternative use of the office spaces. Right now I am very reluctant to use them for residential purposes because of safety issues and code limitation. Also creating more competition to Airbnb’s hosts doesn’t make sense to me.

[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/share/files/2017/01/SHARE-STUDIO_PROGRAM-SH-01-11jmrfn.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]