*First day of class

*First day of class


It seems that Monday class is cancelled but campus is open for move-in. That is good because our syllabus called for Monday to be a move-in day anyway. Choose a table and move in please. Please leave space near the monitor and long table for gathering.

Please see the syllabus on our website: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/share/

Ryan Walla posted a video of the AirBnB space. Thank you!!

Seattle taught me that workplace design is changing, see NBBJ, WeWork and Amazon. The shared economy is here in urban Transportation, Living and Working.

As previously discussed and in the syllabus, please turn in your program description and program spreadsheet on Wednesday. Diagrams will be welcome. You should: have 2 printed copies (1 for your desk in color and 1 for me in black and white) and  upload one to a post on the website using category [program]. Study one will be concept – you will need the program done. You may find a base program on the Google Drive and other useful images and material). Add detail and take ownership. Propose variations but around the studio prompt of the shared economy. 75,000 sqft minimum plus exterior spaces you should program.

Be safe. See you Wednesday at 1pm in LA475, door code: 175371 (near the 4th floor bathrooms).

We will discuss site options Wednesday. You will all choose a half block.

Thank you!! It’s going to be a great two terms!!

