Shawn_Wallace_Thesis Outline v. 1.0
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You chose Gehl for human scale, Ratti for adaptability to the user and an idea of enduring value.
Your term “closed utopia” is interesting urbanistically. Is the opposite “open?”
Is your question how corporations / businesses contribute to a place? Lastly you ask about how they can give back. Why do they give back…is a business more than centered in business? How can a business give back? Is low income housing the best way to give back? What is the scale of giving back? Neighborhood, city, country?
I’m not sure you have laid out an argument for low income housing or at least I’m not seeing the urbanistically link. I can explain one myself but Im wondering how you see it.
Are there examples of business that give back? Of architecture that gives back?
Consider a Rueda reading in English, Jacobs, Moustafavi complexity of urban ecology, or readings on how shared economy helps people live their lives and contribute to collective welfare.