Seeing the Heat of the World
The Price Science Commons promotes research and education in a myriad of ways, from providing a makerspace were a person can develop their devices and sensors, or providing math tutors, to providing a suite...
Projects from the DeArmond Makerspace, Price Science Commons, and Dean Walton
The Price Science Commons promotes research and education in a myriad of ways, from providing a makerspace were a person can develop their devices and sensors, or providing math tutors, to providing a suite...
A set of 2-meter / 70-cm Handheld radios with some other functions including GPS, temperature, FM Radio, and APRS tracking, a 10-meter radio, a 2-meter radio beacon, a remote camera and other odds and...
So, in the University of Oregon DeArmond MakerSpace, in preparation for one event that probably won’t happen, but also for another event that likely will, we have been working on our beacon systems...
The University of Oregon has a new center in the School of Journalism and Communication. It’s called the Media Center for Science and Technology. The goal of the center is to train journalists, communicators,...
Helium Filling Team We are always trying to improve the skills of our university community members. This week under the inspiration of Mark Fonstad from the Geography Department we trained a few colleagues on...
We are quite lucky here at the University of Oregon to have a node of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network. The colleagues here are wonderful and always willing to help explain the seismic activity...
Hurricanes are on my mind for two reasons today: First, there is a tropical storm moving over my research project in Revillagigedo Islands off the western coast of Mexico, and second, I am preparing...
This summer has involved a good bit of traveling with several excursions to the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology where I have been teaching several workshops. This week I taught a class on using...
For the last several years, my personal research interests have been in the area of conservation planning for remote places. This year I picked Isla Clarion, one of the Revillagigedo Islands, and a...
OK, so the only part of this entry that is related to me is that I worked to schedule this behind-the-scenes tour with colleagues that work at the Marine Station. It’s not much...