Listening in on Jupiter, or at least trying to do that.
Trying to hear Jupiter Members of the Ducks on the Air Amateur radio club, a group that I advise, gathered in February 2022 to see if they could listen in on Jupiter. Is there...
Projects from the DeArmond Makerspace, Price Science Commons, and Dean Walton
Trying to hear Jupiter Members of the Ducks on the Air Amateur radio club, a group that I advise, gathered in February 2022 to see if they could listen in on Jupiter. Is there...
This last Saturday 25 people including about 10 University of Oregon community members gathered at one of our local parks by campus to work on a transmitter hunt to find a hidden...
A spectrogram of bat echolocating food, recorded by the author This is a mainly a story about listening to bats, but also about computers and conservation and a few other things like physics...
Rocketry, at the high-power level, really offers lots of opportunities for STEM learning. I have been involved with L1 and L2 rocketry for more than a decade and the DeArmond Makerspace in Price Science...
I have written about the advantages of a ham (amateur) radio license and the experimental opportunities that such a license leads to. Probably one of the easiest starting points with beginning to understand radio...
A set of 2-meter / 70-cm Handheld radios with some other functions including GPS, temperature, FM Radio, and APRS tracking, a 10-meter radio, a 2-meter radio beacon, a remote camera and other odds and...
In my last post I wrote about using radio beacons connected to the APRS or Automatic Packet Reporting Service for some of our DeArmond MakerSpace student’s projects. This is where a radio broadcasts data...
So, in the University of Oregon DeArmond MakerSpace, in preparation for one event that probably won’t happen, but also for another event that likely will, we have been working on our beacon systems...
One of the fun things to do is to get equipment into the hands of students that will create and have fun with a project. Recently, the University of Oregon Department of Geography...
Check out this Feralia deceptiva moth I found in the yard recently. While stuck around the house during the Covid-19 pandemic there is always the opportunity to learn more about what things live...