Maps with animation: Bird movements in the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest
I am always astounded at the tools and data that are available right at our fingertips. I recently had the opportunity to analyze a few data sets from the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest here in the Willamette Valley. The main data set consisted of just over 100,000 bird observations in the experimental forest over a nine-year period. I wanted to try to animate the movements of bird in the forest environment and note their position before, during and after they nested. These data were just what I needed and were freely available from the US Forest Service. My main responsibility was to ensure that I cited the data that I used:
Sarah J. K. Frey, Hankyu Kim, Matthew G Betts – Forest-wide bird survey at 183 sample sites the Andrews Experimental Forest from 2009-2019 – Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation’s Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 1440409), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University – Forest-wide bird survey at 183 sample sites the Andrews Experimental Forest from 2009-2019
I also took advantage of a new tool for animating GIS data that was added to the latest version of QGIS, an open source computer mapping program. Now, it is important to distinguish between the long-term stable release of QGIS and the latest experimental release. Currently, the numbering system between these two sets are very close and can lead to some confusion as to which version one is discussing. In this case, we are looking at the QGIS 3.14 Pi version. It includes the tool Temporal Controller which I used. The tool allows the program to add and remove data layers on a map over time.
Since I was primarily interested in the phenology of movements related to nesting, I compressed the nine years of data into a single year by just looking at what day of the year each observation occurred. I didn’t care about the year, just where birds were in March as compared to July.
Here is an example:
The end result is this presentation that I gave at the 2020 Online Society for Conservation GIS:
The whole presentation can been seen here on YouTube