Field of Study
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
Urban Planning
San Jose State University | MUP | 1995 | Urban Planning |
University of Texas – Austin | BBA | 1991 | Marketing |
Positions & Titles
Professor, Planning, Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon
September 2001 – Present
Co-Founder and Co- Director, Sustainable Cities Institute, University of Oregon
September 2008 – Present
Program Lead, University of Oregon ‘Sustainable Cities and the Public Good’ Academic Residential Community (ARC)
Executive Committee Member, National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC)
May 2012-Present
President of the Board, Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Community Network (EPIC-N)
Current Classes
Bicycle Transportation Planning (US-based & Study Abroad), Human Settlements, & Introduction to City Planning.
Previous Classes
Applied GIS and Social Planning, City Growth/City Design, Mobile GIS, Understanding the Social Community, Planning for Social Change, Planning for the Transportation Disadvantaged, Regional Social Planning Models, Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector
Recognitions & Awards
2016 | Sustainability Teacher of the Year (video) University of Oregon for Bicycle Transportation course working with Redmond, OR |
2015 | Senior Fulbright Scholar Technion Israel Institute for Technology; Haifa, Israel |
Cordes Innovation Award AshokaU |
2013 | Outstanding Teacher of the Year Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon |
2012 | Faculty Sustainability Award, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) (Top Prize) with Nico Larco for leadership of Sustainable Cities Initiative |
Urban Ingenuity Award, Financial Times and CITI (one of eighteen finalists worldwide) | |
Exemplary Project Award, W.K. Kellogg Foundation and Association for Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) Sustainable City Year Program (SCYP) |
2011 | Prize for Creative Integration of Practice & Education in the Academy National Council of Architectural Registration Board (NCARB) |
2010 | Bridge Builder Award Partners for Livable Communities, Washington DC |
Special Achievement in Planning Award, Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association |
Globe Sustainability Research Award – Nominee one of five nominees worldwide, only US finalist |
2009 | Distinguished Fulbright Scholar University of Sheffield; United Kingdom |
Schlossberg, Marc (2022). “Street level design for cycling” in Cycling. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning series; Elsevier, Ch. 3.
Barlow, Jessica , Marshall Curry, Mzime Ndebele-Murisa, Nuttavikhom Phanthuwongpakdee, and Marc Schlossberg (2022). “The Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities Model” in Stories of Resilience: Lessons from Local Adaptation Practice. Global Center on Adaptation, Rotterdam.
Schlossberg, Marc, et al. (2022). “Rethinking streets with disruptive forces: How new mobility and responses to COVID advance street design.” The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Cities and Landscapes in the Pacific Rim. Routledge 738-750.
Schlossberg, Marc, Rebecca Lewis, Aliza Whalen, Clare Haley, Danielle Lewis, Natalie Kataoka, and John Larson-Friend (2021). Rethinking Streets During COVID-19: An Evidence-Based Guide to 25 Quick Redesigns for Physical Distancing, Public Use and Spatial Equity. Portland, OR: Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC), 2021.
Schlossberg, Marc and Heather Brinton. (2020). Matching the Speed of Technology with the Speed of Local Government: Developing Flexible Codes and Policies Related to the Possible Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles on Cities. NITC-RR1216 Portland, OR: Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC).
Schlossberg, M., Rowell, J., Lindgren, R., & Amos, D. (2019). Rethinking Streets for Bikes: An Evidence-Based Guidebook (No. NITC-RR-1081). National Institute for Transportation and Communities (NITC).
Schlossberg, Marc (2019). “Opportunities and challenges of university – community partnerships: Lessons from the EPIC Model” In: Markovich D., Golan D., Shalhoub-Kevorkian N. (eds) (2019( Understanding Campus-Community Partnerships in Conflict Zones. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Riggs, Schlossberg, Millard-Ball and Shay. (2018) “Transforming Street Design: Approaches to Reengineering Our Neighborhood Streets” In, Disruptive Transport: Driverless Cars, Transport Innovation and the Sustainable City of Tomorrow. Ed. Riggs, W. Routledge: London.
Schlossberg, Marc, William Riggs, Adam Millard-Ball, and Elizabeth Shay (2018). “Rethinking the Street in an Era of Driverless Cars.” Sustainable Cities Initiative: Urbanism Next. Eugene: University of Oregon. [pdf]
Schlossberg, Marc (2017). “Educational Partnerships For Innovation In Communities (EPIC): Harnessing University Resources To Create Change” in Urban Planning Education: Beginnings, Global Movement and Future Prospects. Andrea I. Frank and Christopher Silver (eds). Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-55967-4
Schlossberg, Marc and Dave Amos (2015). “Rethinking residential on-street parking” in Emily Talen (Ed.) Fixing Sprawl: Addressing Seventy Years of Failed Urban Form, University of Georgia Press.
Schlossberg, M., Johnson-Shelton, D., Evers, C., & Moreno-Black, G. (2015). Refining the grain: using resident-based walkability audits to better understand walkable urban form. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, Volume 8 (3): 260-278.
Schlossberg, Marc, John Rowell, Dave Amos, and Kelly Sanford. (2014). “Rethinking Streets: An Evidence-Based Guide to 25 Complete Street Transformations”. (John Rowell is an equal co-author). Grant funded; 1,000 copies distributed nationwide; over 4,000 downloaded. Available at:
Evers, Cody, Shawn Boles, Deb Johnson-Shelton, Marc Schlossberg, David Richey, and Jason Blair. (2014). “Parent Safety Perceptions of Child Walking Routes”. Journal of Transport & Health. Volume 1 (2): 108–115. [PDF]
Barnes, Emma and Marc Schlossberg (2013). “Adding Cyclists And Pedestrians While Maintaining Vehicle Throughput: A Pre- And Post-construction Complete Street Analysis”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. No. 2393; p. 85-94. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc and Nico Larco (2013). “The Sustainable City Year Program: A New, Radically Simple Model for Publicly Engaged Scholarship”. Public: A Journal of Imagining America. Volume 1 (1 & 2).
Mild, Cortney and Marc Schlossberg (2013). “Taking US Transportation Professionals to European Cycling Cities: Does it Matter?”. World Transport Policy & Practice. Volume 19 (1): 14-27. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc, Cody Evers, Christo Brehm, and Ken Kato (2012). “Active Transportation, Citizen Engagement and Livability: Coupling Citizens and Smartphones to Make the Change”. URISA Journal. Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 61-70. [PDF]
Yizhao Yang, Steve Abbott, Marc Schlossberg (2012). “The influence of school choice policy on active school commuting: a case study of a middle-sized school district in Oregon”. Environment and Planning A, volume 44, pp. 1856 – 1874. [PDF]
Yang, Y. Johnson, B., Fukahori, S. Parker, B., & Schlossberg, M., (2011). “Where to Live and How to Get to School: Connecting Residential Location Choice and School Travel Mode Choice” in Miles, E & Gibson, M. ed. School Siting and Healthy Communities: Why Where We Invest in School Facilities Matters. Michigan State University Press.
Schlossberg, Marc and Christo Brehm (2009). “Participatory GIS And Active Transportation: Collecting Data and Creating Change”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. No. 2105. pp. 83-91. [PDF]
Weinstein, Asha, Marc Schlossberg, and Katja Irvin (2008). How Far, by Which Route, and Why? A Spatial Analysis of Pedestrian Preference. Journal of Urban Design. Vol. 13. No. 1, 81–98. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc, Asha Weinstein and Katja Irvin (2007). An Assessment of GIS-Enabled Walkability Audits URISA Journal. Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 5-11 [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc and Darren Wyss. (2007),Teaching by Doing: PPGIS and Classroom-Based Service Learning” – URISA Journal. Volume 19, Number 1. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc (2007). “From TIGER to Audit Instruments: Using GIS-Based Street Data to Measure Neighborhood Walkability”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. No. 1982. pp. 48-56. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc A. (2007) Review of Making Maps: A Visual Guide to Map Design for GIS by John Krygier and Denis Wood ( Guilford Press, New York , NY , 2005) In Journal of the American Planning Association. Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 118-119.
Schlossberg, Marc , Jessica Greene, Page Paulsen Phillips, Bethany Johnson, and Robert Parker (2006). School Trips: Effects of Urban Form and Distance on Travel Mode. Journal of the American Planning Association. Vol 72, No 3, pp. 337-346. [PDF]
Stockard, J., Kelly-Schwartz, Schlossberg, M. and Doyle, S. (2005) “Active Community Environments and Health: The Relationship of Walkable and Safe Communities to Individual’s Health”. Journal of the American Planning Association. Vol 72, No. 1, pp. 19-31.
Schlossberg, Marc , Page Paulsen Phillips, Bethany Johnson, and Robert Parker. (2005). How Do You They Get There? A Spatial Analysis of a ‘Sprawl School’ In Oregon. Planning Practice & Research Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 147 – 162. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc A and Elliot Shuford. (2005) Delineating ‘Public’ and ‘Participation’ in PPGIS. URISA Journal . 16(2), 15-26. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc A. (2004). Coordination as a Strategy for Serving the Transportation Disadvantaged: A Comparative Framework of Local and State Roles. Public Works, Management & Policy, 9(2), 132-144. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc A and Nathaniel Brown. (2004). “Comparing Transit Oriented Developments Based on Walkability Indicators”. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1887, pp. 34-42. [PDF]
Kelly-Schwartz, A. C., Stockard, J., Doyle, S., & Schlossberg, M. (2004). Is Sprawl Unhealthy?: A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship of Metropolitan Sprawl to the Health of Individuals. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 24(2), 184-196. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc A (2004). “GIS, the US Census, and Neighbourhood Scale Analysis” Planning Practice & Research; 18 (2-3), 213-218. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc A. Review of Running on Empty: Transport, Social Exclusion and Environmental Justice by Karen Lucas. (Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2004) for the Journal of Urban Affairs (in press 2006).
Schlossberg, Marc A., Earl Bossard, Nathaniel Brown, and David Roemer. (2004). “A Pre- and Post-Construction Analysis of Transit-Oriented Developments Using Spatial Indicators: A Case Study of Portland and Silicon Valley.” Final Report: 03-03. Mineta Transportation Institute. San Jose, CA.
Schlossberg, Marc. (2004) “Visualizing Accessibility II: Access to Food”. Solstice: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics Volume XIII, Number 2. Summer.
Schlossberg, Marc (2003). “Streets and Smart Growth”. Oregon Planners’ Journal. November/December, 2-3, 15.
Schlossberg, Marc A and Adam Zimmerman (2003) “Developing Statewide Indices of Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability: A Look at Oregon and the Oregon Benchmarks”. Local Environment, 8 (6) 641-660. [PDF]
Schlossberg, Marc A. (2003). “Developing Coordination Policies for Paratransit and the Transportation Disadvantaged”. Transportation Research Record 1841, Paper No. 03-2139, 73-80. [PDF]
Other Publications
“Expanding Frameworks and Finding Focus”, a thought piece commissioned by the Society, Behaviour, and Private/Public Transport division of the STELLA Thematic Network. Published with: Irene Casas, Kelly Clifton, and Marek Litwin
Schlossberg, Marc. “Visualizing Accessibility with GIS”. Solstice: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics Volume XIII, Number 2. Winter, 2002.
Schlossberg, Marc. “Coordinating Community-Based Paratransit in an era of Devolution: A Role for the State?”. Dissertation. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 2001.
Schlossberg, Marc. (1998) Review of GIS: A Visual Approach, by Bruce E. Davis, In Journal of the American Planning Association, 64 (Summer): 379.
Schlossberg, Marc. (1998). “Kerekere, Hierarchy, and Planning in Fiji: Why Cultural Understanding Should Be A Prerequisite to International Planning”. In City, Space and Globalization: An International Perspective, Edited by Hemalata Dandekar. University of Michigan: Ann Arbor.
Schlossberg, Marc. “Planning in Paradise — Fiji; Cultural Barriers to Planning”. Interplan (on-line international journal of the American Planning Association). January 1999.
Prior Employment
U.S. Peace Corps
Overseas volunteer organization
Suva, Fiji
Management and Planning Advisor
10/95 to 7/97
Bonita House, Inc.
Community based organization providing housing and services to homeless people who are mentally ill and have a chemical addiction
Berkeley, California
Information Officer & Administrative Aassociate
7/92 to 9/95
Mountains Education Program
Community based organization providing environmental education and environmental apprenticeships to inner-city youth
Los Angeles, California
Director of Development
7/91 to 6/92