About Me

Quick links: CVPress / MediaStudy Abroad: Bicycle TransportationDavid Minor Bikeway Project

Marc SchlossbergI am a Professor of City and Regional Planning and co-director of the Sustainable Cities Institute (SCI) at the University of Oregon.  I teach, research, and apply my work in the areas of  sustainable transportation, livable community design, and the processes that can accelerate implementation of more sustainable policy and practice.  Over the last several years, I have co-published three visual guidebooks on Rethinking Streets, collectively downloaded over 10,000 times in over 20 countries (FREE download).  As Co-Director of SCI, I have helped pioneer a new, massively scaled university-community partnership program that is currently being adapted on four continents; the Educational Partnership for Innovation in Communities (EPIC) model has won numerous awards and recognitions for its ability to leverage existing university resources to train the next generation transportation workforce across multiple disciplines while helping communities translate existing knowledge into practice (view the animation on the right or go to the EPIC Network web site for more information).

I moved to Oregon when I joined the UO faculty in 2001 and love the natural beauty of this state and the general easy going nature of the west coast.  I mostly grew up in Los Angeles, but have lived for significant amounts of time in Texas, Michigan, and the San Francisco Bay Area.  I have been fortunate to travel quite a bit, much of it linked to professional work.  Substantive travels have included Fiji (Peace Corps), Greece (Kefalonia -teaching, 3 months), England (Fulbright), Israel (Fulbright), Denmark (teaching), Netherlands (teaching), Paris, Italy, China (Chengdu), United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi), Gabon, and more.

I really enjoy being a Professor and am always happy to talk to anyone who might be interested in becoming one as well.