Entering the Home Stretch

It is the end of week seven and I am so close to being done with this project, this class, and this term. Over the last seven weeks, my group and I have identified needs, brainstormed solutions,  developed prototypes, and designed a plausible solution to the problem that we were given at the beginning of the term. We have also learned more about each other, solved group conflicts, challenged each other, and grown together.

This growth is the thing that I have noticed the most about our group, especially in the last week. At the beginning of the term, we were unsure about each of our strengths and weaknesses and how those fit together as a group. As we progressed through the term, we began to run into conflicts because our personalities and leadership styles were all different. The last few group meetings that we have had, though, have been less stressful and more productive that the meetings that we have had in the past. This can be attributed to the growth that each of us has experienced according to our Leadership Development Plan.

Personally, I have most enjoyed learning about how to let go of control in our group and how enable other to act. This is probably one sf the most difficult lessons I have had to learn recently but it has really benefited our group. For example, today in our group meeting, everyone had to bring their parts of the Final Proposal so that the group could evaluate each section. Not only did everyone do the prep work necessary to make this happen, but they had also added creative ideas, formatting, and perspectives that one person, namely me, would not have the time or energy to do on their own.

I am proud of the growth that my group and I have experienced as we enter the home stretch before our final proposal and presentation and I can’t wait to see what other examples and stories will be shown in the next few weeks.

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