Week 8: Ladies and Gentlemen of the EETF…

As we wind up our 8th week of progress for our final proposal project, we began working on our final presentation to the Lundquist College of Business Education Enrichment Task Force.

By this point, my group and I have already gotten used to meeting up three to four times a week to work on our project. We generally have a room reserved for 2-3 hours at a time. I usually come prepared with an outline for what we are working on and we always have set goals or milestones we want to reach by the end of every meeting. I’m glad to see how much our team has improved during the last month. We have managed to work out any disagreements, collaborate on ideas, and efficiently work toward our final presentation.

Looking back to our Team Agreement, listed below, I believe we did a great job sticking to what we wrote down. We mainly communicate via group messaging on iphones, shared roles and participation for all tasks, and took votes during group decision making. For the most part, this was successful for our group to stay focused and fix any altercations.

Team Agreement from Week 3:

We to keep each other accountable for the weekly workload and group input. We believe in sharing leadership, and delegating assignments based on strengths and weaknesses of individuals in the group. Participation from quieter members will be in the form of their contribution in other ways, whether that be writing, research, or planning for the project.

Communication Process:
Feedback will be received by way of personal constructive criticism. Our team will stay in contact outside of meetings with the wonderful invention of IPhones. Group documents will be posted to Wiggio or Google Docs for further collaboration.

Team decisions will be made by consensus, being directed towards assignments or more important projects. One or two team members, using their best judgment, will decide smaller parts of assignments.


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