CURRENT Members of the Roy Lab (in alphabetical order)
Graham Bailes, Completed Masters. March 2017. “Drivers of endophyte communities in Pacific Northwest Prairies”.
Current Position: Technician for the UO HOPS project ( PIs: Bridgham, Roy, Johnson, Pfeifer-Meister, Doak, Morris and Cruzan).
Allison Ludden, Environmental science undergraduate.
Current Position: Lab technician for Roy Lab
Aaron Nelson, Undergraduate honors thesis. “Foliar endophytic fungi can grow into woody substrate”
Current Position: Technician for the UO HOPS project
PAST Research Members (in alphabetical order)
Dr. George Carroll, Professor Emeritus, George’s webpage
Photo: George Carroll, Jeremey Burdon and Roo Vandegrift
Kai Blaisdell, finished with a PhD March 2011. “Introduced plant species, herbivores and pathogens, and the host-enemy relationships that accompany invasions”, University of Oregon.
Current Position: Faculty at Los Medanos Community College
Amy Black (Departmental Honors Thesis, Major = Environmental Science) 2002 “Possible Seed Exudates in Arabis holboellii”, co-advised by David Siemens
Wilma J. Blaser, finished with a Masters November 2008, “Common garden studies as a tool to address questions related to plant invasions”. Co-advised with my Swiss colleagues Peter Edwards and Sabine Güsewell. Won best thesis of the year award at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). Wilma did her thesis work here in Oregon.
Kendra Chambers (Honors College). 2013. “Assessing Local Adaptation In Four Native Grass Species”
Esther Cole, Co-advised with Scott Bridgahm. (Honors College Thesis). 2005. ” Abiotic constraints on the competitiveness of exotic and native grasses in an upland prairie”
Inez Colyn, finished with a Masters in 1997, “Interaction of pathogen infection and stressful environments on plant growth, disease expression and reproduction.
Current position: Sr Marketing Expert in non-profit & healthcare · WWF Switzerland.
Alleah Davis (Combined Biology Honors and Honors College Thesis). 2012 “Perceptual biases of Dracula lafleurii pollinators in a cross kingdom mimicry system”.
Current Position: Working on a Masters of Public Health at OHSU.
Current Position: Masters student at OSU
Bryn T. M. Dentinger. Was a postdoctoral fellow in the Roy lab 2008-09
Current Position: Curator of mycology & Associate Professor of Biology Natural History Museum of Utah
Fernande (Fani) Gaechter, 1997, finished with a Masters in “The influence of plant diversity on plant diseases and herbivore damage in experimental plant communities”
Aud H. Halbritter, finished with a Masters November 2009, “Testing assumptions of the Enemy Release Hypothesis: Herbivore and pathogen damage in the native and invaded range of the grass Brachypodium sylvaticum”. Co-advised with my Swiss colleagues Peter Edwards and Sabine Güsewell. Aud did her thesis work here in Oregon.
Current Position: Post doctoral fellow at the University of Bergen
Erika I. Hersch, finished with a PhD May 2007, “Evidence for hybridization among three Indian paintbrush species: ecological implications and evolutionary scenarios”.
Current Position: Assistant Professor at Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.
Danielle Elissa Kellar (Honors Thesis, Biology Department) 2006. “Investigating tolerance traits of native and invasive grass species of Oregon”.
Current Position: Master’s student in Microbiology at San Francisco State University
Martin Landolt, 1998, finished with a Masters in “The effect of plant species diversity on pathogen infection and herbivore damage on grassland perennials”
Nichole Maggiulli (Honors Thesis, major = Environmental Science), 2003 “The evolution of intraspecific competitive ability in two populations of Arabis perennans.” Co-advised by Dave Siemens
Jesse McAlpine finished with a Masters June 2013 “The role of yeasts in the pollination success of a neotropical orchid”
Current Position: Environmental Impact Services for Think Electric, Eugene, Oregon.
Paul Metzler (Honors College). 2014:”Understanding the spatial growth patterns of Kincaid’s Lupine”
Andreas Naef, finished with a Masters in 2000, “Pollinator-mediated reproduction of systemic rust infections of Berberis vulgaris (Berberidaceae)”
Current position: Researcher at the Swiss Federal Research Station for Agronomy in Wädenswil
Scott Pattison, (Honors College Thesis, major = Environmental Science), 2004. “An assessment of adaptive traits and population genetic variation in a grass of special conservation interest, Festuca roemeri”.
Laurel Pfeifer-Meister, finished with a PhD November 2008, co-advised with Scott Bridgham “An examination of soil controls of plant communities across a continuum from wetland to upland prairies”.
Current position: Research Scientist and adjunct faculty at the University of Oregon
Monika Pfunder, finished with a PhD September 1999, “Genetic variation, spatial distribution, and reproductive biology of pseudoflower-forming rust fungi (Uromyces pisi and relatives) on Euphorbia cyparissias”
Current position: Principal Scientist at Roche Diagnostics.
Lauren Poulos. finished with a Masters June 2013 “Fire and false brome: how do prescribed fire and invasive Brachypodium sylvaticum affect each other?”
Current Position: Volunteer Coordinator, Longmont, Colorado
Tobias Policha, finished with a PhD June 2014.”Pollination biology of the mushroom-mimicking orchid genus Dracula”. University of Oregon.
Current Position: Adjunct faculty, UO
Jenny Rohrs-Ritchey, finished with a PhD October 2010. “Physiological responses of Alders to pathogens, herbivores and climate” Co-advised with Christa Mulder at the University of Alaska
Current Position: Working for a vineyard in California
Stéphanie Schürch, April finished with a PhD 2004, “Evolutionary processes in pathogen-plant interactions inferred from a mixed infection experiment and molecular analysis of an avirulence gene”. Co-advised with Bruce McDonald, ETH (he took over when I left the ETH)
Current position: Research Scientist, Swiss Federal Research Station in Changins.
Dave Siemens Was a postdoctoral fellow in the Roy lab 2000-2001
Current position: Associate Professor (tenured). Black Hill State, South Dakota
Hannah Soukup. Current. Working on the consequences of fire for local prairie fungi.
Thomas Steinger. Was a postdoctoral fellow in the Roy lab
Current position: Researcher at the Swiss Federal Research Station in Changins, Switzerland
Julie Lynn Stewart, finished with a Masters in 2007, “Impacts of restoration techniques on arbuscular mycorrhzal abundance in a wet prairie”.
Current Position: Teaching biology at South Eugene High School.
Dan Thomas, finished PhD August 2017, “Hitchhiking in the canopy: Ecological patterns of forest mycobiomes”
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washingon
Anna-Barbara Utelli, finished with a PhD April 2000, “Genetic variation, mating system and nectar robbery in Aconitum lycoctonum (Ranunculaceae)”.
Current position: Degree Course Coordinator, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel.
Roo Vandegrift, finished PhD March 2016, ” Ecological roles of fungal endophytes”.
Current Position: Research Faculty, UO, in the BIOBE lab
Hannah Wilson (Honors Thesis, Biology Department) 2009. “ Identification and cross-inoculation of fungal leaf pathogens on native and introduced grass species of North America”
Current Position: Working in the Biology Department as lab preparator.