Development Updates

Development Update #1: Week 8 Monday February 26th, 2024 

  • During today’s meeting we were able to figure out the format of our website and how to make edits as well as how to make posts. Hailey and Hannah worked on figuring out how to make posts and add a spot for where each lesson will be posted. Emily printed out our maps that we will be using for our Test of understanding as well as the Maze map that will be used to practice programming the robots. Jordan worked on posting outlines of lesson plans to give us a general idea about where everything will be located. Jasmine organized our next steps for what needed to be done by each person and also what steps were completed. We had a hard time at first figuring out how to make posts on the website but were able to figure it out when we all started working together and trying different methods and strategies. We will be working on our individual lessons on Wednesday with our lesson partner and then when we meet next week on Monday we will work on making our introduction video that introduces our theme of learning why sequencing is important which we decided would be done by making root beer floats.  


Development Update #2: Week 8 Wednesday February 28th, 2024 

  • This week we divided up into groups to get our lesson plans done. Hailey and Jasmine, designed lesson plan sheets. Completed lesson plan for Jenga and Art activity. Our next steps are to make our artifacts and then get our lesson plans posted on our website. Jordyn began her lesson plan and just needs to add step by step instructions. The next step is to actually program the Edison robot and describe the step-by-step instruction into the lesson plan. Hannah started the coding for the Lesson 3 maze for Edison robot and began working on the artifact example for it. She needs to complete the overall artifact examples still, but has started a good portion of it. Emmalee completed the lesson plan for lesson 3 and printed out the mazes that will be used for lesson 3 and lesson 4. We have all been working on updating the website as well to be ready for next week. We ran into some problems  with figuring out how to upload into the website and get all the formatting correctly but we each tried different methods and were able to figure out in the end how to make it work. The robots were a little tricky to program as well because they were not receiving the code but we switched computers and learned how to program correctly. We are going to get together on Monday to divide tasks for the next steps for our project. 


Development Update #3: Week 9 Monday March 4th, 2024 

  • Jasmine: Posted our development updates onto a category tab. Made our Website public, and was also able to post team pitch and website link to the class assignment. Hannah: Completed the coding for lesson 3 and built the maze that goes along with it. I also completed my individual artifact example. Our 4th lesson is a final maze where the students take everything that they have learned through lessons 1-2 and have to figure out how to get through a more complex maze, I worked on coding for this as well and completed the lesson plan and then posted to the website. Hailey: Has been updating links within the website and reorganizing it in a way that works better and is neater. Worked with Jordyn on our team pitch that is also now posted to the website. Got supplies for an art example within lesson 1 and has been working on the example for it. Emmalee: Completed the lesson plan for lesson 3 and got it uploaded to the website. Also bought the poster board that we will be putting together this weekend as a prop for the presentation. Jordyn: I wrote and published the pitch to our website and to the classroom post as well. I completed the lesson plan for lesson 2 and added it to our website. Our next step is to get together on Wednesday and film our team video as well as our Root beer float video which will introduce lesson 1. 


Development Update #4: Week 9 Wednesday March 6th, 2024 

  • We all got together and worked on our team video. We were also able to get our Get to know us plan together! Artifacts for lesson 2 were completed by Jordan, who also wrote a script for the root beer float video. Hannah was able to make the borders that we needed for our map used in Lesson 3, she also edited our team video. Emmalee finalized Lesson plans 3,4, and wrote a script for a root beer float video. Hailey edited our root beer float video, and also made an artifact for lesson 1A. Jasmine made an artifact for lesson 1A as well, worked on the script for the team video, and wrote out the script for root beer float video. One problem we encountered was getting the right set up for the videos and working on our script. We were able to use a tripod so we could all be in the video at the same time and we split up the video so each person gave a brief explanation of their lesson which worked for our script. We also had a hard time finding a meeting time for all of us to make our final artifacts and get all our things finalized. We established that Hailey, Emmalee, and Jasmine will be meeting on Sunday to work on final details as well as poster board. 

Development Update #5: Week 10 Monday March 11th, 2024

  • We all got together before class to work on our presentation and have some things prepared to say for the day of. Hailey and Emmalee worked on changing the theme to our website and making it more appealing and organized. Emmalee also finalized her artifact sheet. Hailey proofread and organized the other lesson plans. Also finalized our root beer float video. Jasmine reuploaded the lesson plans and made them all pdfs. She also went through to make sure development updates were all posted and organized to fit criteria. Hannah finished editing our team video as well as uploading and making her artifact for lesson 3. One problem we encountered was trying to make our website more visually appealing. After speaking with our teacher and looking at other groups we needed to make our website look better. We were able to figure out how to add pictures to a theme so that it would show robots and encompass what our lesson plans are about.