
Pollinator Conservation Plan

We have drafted a comprehensive plan to help revitalize pollinator populations at Whitewater Ranch. Our research has helped us develop a better understanding of the pollinators native to the Willamette Valley and their role in the food system.

Through the planting of native flora and expansion of existing pest and land management strategies, we hope to create a hospitable environment for Oregon’s native pollinators and further the success of Whitewater Ranch’s agricultural system.

Pollinator Certification Project

The Riparian team set out to find an appropriate pollinator certification for Whitewater Ranch that would exemplify their efforts to conserve and restore native pollinators to the surrounding habitat.

As a supplement to our pollinator conservation plan, the pollinator certification would guide Whitewater Ranch towards increased native pollinator management.

Our research focused on two different pollinator certifications; Xerces Society’s Bee Better and Pollinator Partnership’s Bee Friendly. Both certifications allow farms to confirm their “pollinator friendly” practices to the public and potential buyers, while helping conserve native pollinators in their respective region.

In order for us to appropriately compare the two certifications, we created four criteria that we considered to be the most important when making a decision. These criteria are program credibility, land requirements, the application process, and potential benefits to the farm.

Reference Pages

Here are a few websites that we used to gather information on native plants and pollinators specific to the habitat conditions of Whitewater Ranch.

Also included is an OSU extension catalog that lists plant species that attract spotted wing drosophila. One of our conservation goals is to reduce populations of this invasive pest and we acknowledge these plants as species to avoid in our conservation plan.

Additional references are provided in our pollinator conservation plan in the reference section.