Dr. Richard Taylor other Fractals for my Final Project

Here is a link to a website about Dr. Taylor from the, University of Oregon, and his work on fractals.


Dr. Taylor

For his research on fractals he won an innovation award this year from the White House.  In his research, Dr. Taylor was using fractals and such to figure out how to make people’s eye sight better and fix diseases in the eye.  Taylor said ” Fractal interconnects — as the implants are called in the patent — could be shaped so they network with like-shaped neurons to address narrow needs, such as a feedback loop for the sensation of touch from a prosthetic arm or leg to the brain.”

This is just one break through that fractals have had in the world to benefit others.  Dr. Taylor got much credit for his work with fractal-based technology.


Here is another link that shows multiple things that fractal-based technology has allowed humans to accomplish.  Below is just an example of one of the things.


“Fractals in biology:
Fractal geometry is being used in the biological sciences to accurately model the human lung, heartbeats and blood vessels, neurological systems and countless other physiological processes. Doctors and researchers are now using the mathematics behind fractal geometry to build models that they hope will identify microscopic patterns of diseases and abnormalities earlier than ever before.” (Fractal Geometry)

Document About Fractal Heart Beats


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