Program Description

This REU site, funded by the National Science Foundation (award #2050429), will host eight American Indian/Alaska Native students for 8 weeks from June 10 – August 2, 2024. Selected students will receive travel funds up to $300 dollars, fully-funded housing for the weeks of on-campus programming, and a $600 stipend for each of the 8 weeks of the program.

Week 1 of the UO Linguistics REU site will be an introductory week of remote, off campus activities that students participate in from home, while the remaining 7 weeks will be held in residence at the University of Oregon campus in Eugene, OregonStudents will attend introductory classes in Linguistic Analysis and in Experimental Linguistics (3 hours daily).

In Introduction to Linguistic Analysis, students learn skills in linguistic description. This includes understanding the diversity of structures found in various languages as well as aspects that make languages similar. Students will gain skills such as documenting, transcribing, and analyzing languages. In Introduction to Experimental Linguistics, students learn skills on the scientific analysis of how humans articulate, perceive and understand language. Students gain skills in controlled laboratory experiments.

In addition, students will participate in hands-on research in both areas. Research projects are focused on descriptive linguistics for 3 weeks, and experimental linguistics for the other 3 weeks.

Students will also attend one academic development workshop most days which include careers in science research, vetting and applying to graduate school programs, academic writing, and presenting research. 

Below is an example schedule based on the previous year’s programming (subject to change) of the 8 weeks of the program. 

Week 1 (remote)

  • Orientation.
  • Faculty and student introductions!
  • Introduction to Field Linguistics and Experimental Linguistics tracks.
  • Training – Indigenous community revitalization goals; ethics in research.
  • Presentation – Careers in STEM.

Week 2 (in-person)

  • Students arrive on UO campus & moving into the dorms at the beginning of the week.
  • Welcoming to campus – Opening in-person ceremony. Indigenous and community events on campus.
  • Introduction to Linguistic Analysis course begins (continues for 3 weeks).
  • Workshops focus – Reading and interpreting research articles.
  • Presentation – Careers in Computer Science.

 Week 3 (in-person)

  • Introduction to Linguistic Analysis course continues.
  • Training – Research and data analysis.
  • Workshops focus – Academic writing skills.
  • Presentation – Careers in Anthropology.

Week 4 (in-person)

  • Introduction to Linguistic Analysis course continues.
  • Training – Research and data analysis.
  • Workshops focus – Academic presentations.
  • Presentation – Careers in Biology.

Week 5 (in-person)

  • Introduction to Experimental Linguistics course begins (continues for 3 weeks).
  • Training – Research and data analysis.
  • Orientation to research: human subjects training.
  • Presentation – Careers in Economics and Sociology. 

Week 6 (in-person)

  • Introduction to Experimental Linguistics continues.
  • Training – Research and data analysis.
  • Graduate Student Panel – Experiences in graduate school.
  • Presentation – Careers in Education

Week 7 (in-person)

  • Introduction to Experimental Linguistics continues.
  • Training – Research and data analysis.
  • Workshops focus – management of work-school-life priorities for well-being.
  • Presentation – Environmental Sciences.

Week 8 (in-person)

  • Students finalize research project and prepare final presentations.
  • Final presentations.
  • Closing ceremony.
  • Students return travel at the end of the week.