Post Script II

So much has happened in the 8 years since I taught at Sun Yat-Sen University.  My best link to China is the students from China each year in my program — with great pleasure  I watch their progress as they mature as professionals in their field and interact with their colleagues from across the US and other countries.  They are talented, confident, and friendly — and I miss them when they leave the University of Oregon.

At home at University of Oregon, I’m now director of the Master of Nonprofit Management program (and Associate Head for School of Planning, Public Policy & Management).  This program is loaded with practical coursework and applied projects benefiting regional nonprofits. We (faculty) keep the cohorts deliberately small so we can lavish attention on students, and they have done beautifully on the job market.

I’m also president-elect of the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council, an academic organization that helps to gather leading international programs in nonprofit and philanthropic enterprise to build our field.

Here’s a photo of a few of the MNM students:



Welcome! And a disclaimer…

You’ve stumbled upon a repository of impressions about a 5-months stay in Guangzhou China, from late August 2009 to the end of January, 2010.  Welcome, come in, sit down, have a cup of tea!

Contents of this blog are my uninformed impressions alone and are not emanating in any way from the Fulbright Scholars/Lecturers program, the U.S. State Department, Zhongshan (Sun Yat-Sen) University, nor any official or unofficial entity in China.