Corruption in America is Killing Freedom

By S.J. Bass

Having seen much in my relatively short years alive as an American, the issue Americans face isn’t simply one; rather, it’s a plethora. However, the root problem is vastly more important than all the illegal and amoral actions performed by both Republicans and Democrats. The corruption that takes place in America is a virus infecting the entire world, and the corruption feeding this mayhem is the central issue in Election 2016.

In speaking about American corruption, one must think historically. America’s corruption jump-started on December 23, 1913 when the Federal Reserve act was instituted after a flood of financial panic occurred; created and led by J.P. Morgan during 1907. Proposed to President Woodrow Wilson by Carter Glass; it was backed by a group of prominent people representing the richest people in the world — such as the Rothschild family, J.P. Morgan, and J.D. Rockefeller. President Wilson signed the draft that Carter Glass created after these people met for ten days under the guise of a duck hunt on Jekyll Island to discuss how to create a central bank during November of 1910.

Prior to this act…

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