Posts by Tim O'Donnell

The Gospel of Thomas

Published on: Author: Tim O'Donnell 1 Comment

One strong connection between the Gospel of Thomas and Greek philosophy is dualism. Greek thinkers divided the world into polar opposites: good/bad, spiritual/physical, light/dark. This dualism can be seen in the Gospel of Thomas when Jesus says that “On the day when you were one, you became two. But now that you are two, what… Continue reading

The Gospel of Mary

Published on: Author: Tim O'Donnell Leave a comment

In the biblical account, Mary Magdalene was present for the key parts of Jesus’ ministry. She was healed of seven demons, and accompanied Jesus for at least part of his ministry (Luke 8:1-3), and was present at his crucifixion,death and burial (Mark 15:40-47). Most importantly, she was the first woman to receive and proclaim the… Continue reading