Franciscan Order

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The radical Franciscan view point on what the apostolic living meant that an individual in this order could not own anything or accept anything that is considered material wealth because the Apostles and Jesus did not own anything in their eyes. Whereas the moderate Franciscan believes that an individual within the order can utilize gifts given to them and utilize others properties for their own uses because it’s a loophole in the understanding of what living in poverty means. This loophole allowed for many of the higher ups in the order to have lavish garments and appearances of owning material possessions that seemed to take away from Francis original message of living in poverty like the apostles. The papacy sanctioned the Minor Friars because they tossed aside the superstitions and scandalous behavior of the Apostolic See, such as sharing quarters with women  and cutting off the tops of the shoes, and were shown to be more pious. Part of the Franciscan belief was the absolute poverty of the group, meaning that they didn’t believe in ownership whatsoever of material possessions. Thus came the distinctions needed to establish what it meant to own and to use material possession. The Apostles had community possessions and thus as a community owned the possessions but individually did not, whereas the Franciscans believed that community possessions constituted as possessions and followed the belief of absolute poverty. What was decreed acceptable by the pope for the Franciscans is that they are allowed to use possessions but not actually own the possessions, so they may utilize gifts given to them or materials the Church owns. This began to pose problems for the Franciscans in their attempts to live in absolute poverty because this ruling may allow for Franciscans to lavish themselves with gifts going against the rules that Francis put in place. Pope John XXII condemned the Fratricelli for their assertions that the Apostles and Jesus didn’t possess anything, the pope claimed that they did possess things in the communal sense.