The Gospel of Thomas offers us 114 sayings of Jesus. Unlike other texts, it provides us with no context. These sayings are written in a sort of list format, one coming directly after another. Often there is no similar theme to tie one to the next. At first these sayings appear to be peculiar and sometimes outright non sensical. Jesus said, “..the Kingdom of the Father is spread out on the earth and people do not see it.” (Saying 113). The idea of waking up and seeing that which is not readily seen is one that is common among many religious traditions. But when you begin to read this text through the proper lens, the gnostic ideals all but leap out at you. Jesus tells two stories that seem to explain our fall from the divine. Jesus said, “The Kingdom of the Father is like a woman who was carrying a jar which was full of meal. While she was walking on a distant road, the handle of the jar broke; the meal spilled out behind her onto the road. She did not know; she was not aware of the accident. After she came to her house she put the jar down, and found it empty.” (Saying 97). This seems to imply that our fall was not foreseen. By the time our danger was realized, we had already fallen. And so then we must be raised again. But how? First, we must be found – which brings us to the second story. Jesus said, “The Kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One of them, which was the largest, wandered off. He left the ninety-nine: he searched for the one until he found it.” (Saying 107) That largest sheep was us, and we were important enough to be searched for despite the others. The question that remains is, how will He bring us back and raise us again? And he said, “The one who finds the meaning of these words will not taste death.” (Saying 2). And thus, our salvation comes through our knowledge. We must understand the secret meanings of these sayings so that we may become aware of the Kingdom in which we belong and return to it.