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team 7: question 2

Published on: Author: hburgess Leave a comment

Guibert’s book on saints and their relics illuminates the overwhelming power that relics had in the lives of Christians. Their power was believed to be so great, that people would bring stillborn babies to the relics of saints claiming they had the power to bring them to life, long enough to baptize them so they… Continue reading

Team 1 Question 1 (Saints)

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Madigan explains that the cult of saints played a crucial role in medieval Christianity by playing the mediator role between the sovereign, omnipotent God and the weak, vulnerable, and often suffering human. The saints were believed to be able to wield supernatural power and perform miracles for those who needed aid. The mighty miracle acts… Continue reading

Team 5 Question 2 Trevor Johnson – Relics and Saints

Published on: Author: twj Leave a comment

Madigan describes the understanding of the relationship of the physical body and the spiritual body to be inversely proportional, meaning that the more aged and physically weak you are, the more spiritual power or closeness with God you attain. This related to the writings Guibert made me think more about how after death, when a… Continue reading


Published on: Author: rborsoni Leave a comment

Guibert of Nogent, On the Saints and Their Relics. Guibert wrote his book on saints and relics over five hundred years after Gregory of Tours composed his History. By Guibert’s time, the cult of saints had come to dominate Christian devotional life, and churches could claim considerable prestige (and wealth) if they were active in… Continue reading