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Team 1: On the Jews
By and large, the Christian attitude toward the Jews was contemptuous. Justinian’s Novella 146 effectively attempts to ostracize the Jews from medieval social life by insulting their character and rendering them as arrogant outcasts. Their rejection of Jesus as the Messiah prompts him to refer to them as impious, foolish, and ignorant. Furthermore, he states… Continue reading
Team 3…The Jews
Christians in the medieval period believed that their religion was 100% correct and if you didn’t believe in the resurrection of Jesus you were either an inferior human being or simply incompetent and could fathom who powerful Jesus was. Regardless of your opinion to the Church if you did not believe in the resurrection you… Continue reading
Team 2: Jews
Different leaders had different attitudes towards Jewish peoples. Many of the laws regarding the Jews were inhibiting of their own personal freedoms, such as being barred from public offices, inter-religious relationships, and the requirement to be identifiably distinguishable from a Christian. In Novella 146, Augustus said that Hebrews were allowed to practice their religion in… Continue reading