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Team 4 – Question 2: Savonarola’s Sermon

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Ben McBee 03-07-2016 The signs of the Renaissance were growing stronger and stronger at the turn of the 16th century in Italy. Logic and reasoning began to offer an alternative school of thought with regard to the Christian faith and how the scriptures were interpreted. Corruption was rampant in Christendom and the looming threat of… Continue reading

Team 4: Question 2-Papal Corruption and Resentment

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Ben McBee 02-10-16 a. The Gospel According to the Marks of Silver is quite a remarkable document for its time. The fact that someone was so distraught and frustrated with the leader of the entire Christian world, and was brave enough to write against the pope, is evidence that the condition of Christendom was indeed… Continue reading

Team 4: Henry IV and Gregory VII, Investiture Controversy

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Ben McBee 2. The conflict between Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV would have profound implications on the relation between secular and sacred powers in the European Medieval world. To start, the stage was set for this clash many years before with the “marriage” between the Kingdom of the Franks and the Catholic Church… Continue reading