Team 4: question 2

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The great schism of the 14th century was due to the move of papal seating to Avignon. After the death of Boniface, successor Clement V’s moving of the papal seat directly went against what Boniface wanted in the “two swords” theory. The move split power between old and new Roman rule and also cause people to chose sides that they prefered. The Avignon papacy was related to figures in the book of Revelation chapter 17.

The book of Revelation is the final book in the new testament written by John the apostle. John is being shown a vision by one of the seven angels about what is to come. John witnesses the judgement of the great harlot sitting upon the Beast. The picture of the harlot is associated with spiritual unfaithfulness. The Beast has very specific characteristics, ten horns, seven heads, and blasphemous names. The Beast is the living embodiment of Satan. Satan is an active force throughout history and because the harlot is riding the Beast she is distinct but acts in concert with the Beast and also is an active force throughout history. The harlots appearance is appealing to the eyes of the world. She is wearing purple and scarlet clothing, both colors are associated with royalty and priesthood. She is also covered in gold and precious jewelery. She appears to be very precious and she also is holding a golden cup. But the cup is filled with abominations. The Harlot uses her outward beauty and appearance of royalty and religious devotion to seduce and subdue the kings and the inhabitants of the earth. The woman was also symbolic for Babylon.

The Beast has seven heads and the angel tells John that the heads represent seven mountains. Mountains also represent a seat of power. There being seven seats of power would then in turn refer to there being seven kingdoms. The ten horns represent 10 future kings who at the Midpoint of the tribulation will turn over their power of their kingdom to the Antichrist. But in the end God conquers and destroys the woman and the beast and all that they represent restoring the earth to its full Glory for God alone.

Petrarch uses Revelation 17 to interpret the Avignon papacy. He connects the Avignon papacy to the harlot in the passage. The papacy of Avignon were accused by Petrarch of sins like simony, prostitution, fornication of power, and greed as well as an immoral church. Petrarch refers to an old cardinal who took a young bride in fraud, and uses his cardinal “authority” to “console” her and take advantage of her. He made her think that her salvation was somehow tied to him. Petrarch did not trust the church because of its abuse and illegitimacy which is another way he relates it to Revelation 17.

By using an apocalyptic lens to examine the Avignon papacy it demonstrates an urgency to change and resolve the schism that had been created. It is apparent that the body of the church needs to turn away from sin and turn towards God and repentance to bring on change and spiritual growth.

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