Team 4: question 2

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Francis was perceived by many as a figure of pivotal significance in the history of salvation. Francis was referred to as “alter Christus” which means “another Christ”. He was also referred to as a new or second Christ. Most who wrote about Francis were interested in the cosmic and messianic significance much like those who wrote about Jesus. Francis was perceived to be a carrier of a message from God. Both Jesus and Francis taught and lived something new in terms of worldview, appearance of aesthetic lifestyle, and means of salvation.

Clare (d.1253) was somewhat the fulfilment of Francis’s contemporary itinerant preaching that women would one day take the place of men in the church in some ways. Clare was attracted to the apostolic poverty and life of ministry and approached Francis. Francis responded by forming a house of religious women so that they may grow in spiritual and religious knowledge. Clare was tonsured by Francis making her unfit for marriage. Tonsure is the act of cutting the hair in a way that represents and signifies one’s obedience to God and their humility predominately practiced amongst monks. Clare was focused on following the teaching of Francis. She gave all her belongings to the poor and those in need. She was seen as a local saint for her dedication and her willingness to take on and care for the most sickly people of the community. Clare rejected the papal legislation and composed her own form of life. In aims of sticking to the teaching of St. Francis, Clare saw it fit that her monastery would only ever have the bare necessities and live a life of poverty.

Other houses of the second order came to be known as the “poor Clares”. They felt the fulfilment of their role would be reached by living up to the teaching of Clare and follow them to the best of their ability. The pope however did not give them as high of status as he did to Clare, so they would never be able to be equal. The Poor Clares were not given the permission to adhere to the aesthetic life that was presented by Clare and given from St. Francis. Clare would leave behind her Testament in order to show a guideline of how to live a monastic life in accordance to Francis.

Christian leaders sat in a position of power and comfort, but the mendicant way of life was in contradiction to this standard. According to Thomas, the standard should be to live like Christ and in poverty, going out and preaching the word of God to the people. This was an important way of life to adhere to because it would bring one closer to the devotion of God that was intended. The only concern for a mendicant monk should be preaching the word to those who need to hear it, other than that, a life of poverty and the bare necessities is all that is needed.

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