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Jesus God/Man

Published on: Author: 142 Comments

“But when some Christian thinkers began to investigate these seemingly simple, straightforward elements of their faith, orthodox Christianity was torn apart for generations, for century, even to the present day.”              This quote by Lynch does an excellent job at summarizing the events that are rising up in the early… Continue reading

Pliny and Ignatius.

Published on: Author: 80 Comments

For many people outside of religions it is easy to get tangled in which religion has what requirements and the different traditions and initiations of each sect to vary. For example many people do not know the differences between Lutherans and Catholics today. Rome had the same problem for about 300 years during the commencement… Continue reading

Paul & the Galatians

Published on: Author: 164 Comments

In Galatia are two ‘wings’ of Christianity at this time in history. The two are closely intertwined and there is much debate on which is the doctrine that Jesus planned. The first wing I will mention of Christianity is the Jewish-Christians. This wing was composed of people who were of the Jewish Religion and converted… Continue reading