The Gospel of Thomas starts by saying this gospel contains the secrets sayings of Jesus and that the purpose is to save people. Jesus tells the disciples that they do not understand his purpose for the world and so he tells them that he will bring salvation. Jesus then starts to tell them that where they will spend the rest of the lives is not like this world. Thomas is trying to stress the importance of faith and says that people were born without it but spend their lives seeking it even if they do not know exactly what it is. Thomas then adds the importance of spreading the gospel of Jesus because he will not be on available to them on earth forever. Jesus wants the disciples to focus on the now and not think about what he is supposed to do until after he is gone. In verse 52 Jesus rebukes the disciples for speaking of the great prophets of Israel and comparing Jesus to them. Jesus’ teaching in the Gospel of Thomas focuses on the spirituality of people and caring for those in your community that are currently living. Jesus continues to stress that he is with God and because of this Jesus is in all things and made all things. Jesus states that whoever believes in him will be like him and have peace knowing that they will be in the Kingdom of God forever. The Gospel of Thomas presents Jesus not as a suffering messiah, but as the person who will bring in the new age — the Kingdom of God.
The readings teach that people should focus on their spirituality and not there bodies. The body will come and go, but spirituality will lead to the Kingdom of God which is nothing like anything on Earth and will last forever. the teachings show us that the Kingdom of God is everywhere and that is defy human understanding. Jesus again stresses the importance of being a good person and accepting him into their hearts so that they will act like him to gain acceptance into heaven. Jesus continues to stress the importance of the spirit and teaches that everyone came from God and he wants them all to gain access to heaven through there hearts and to spread their salvation to others who do not yet know. Jesus wants people to develop their spirituality and move away from the worldly view of how things are currently in the world. Jesus wants to become one with the people he is sharing the good news with people so that they might believe in him and join him to go to heaven together. The insiders of Jesus have the spirit of Jesus inside them and because of this they are asked to be like Jesus. They are to share the good news and help other people find Jesus and gain access into heaven as they have already.
I think that the people who would have been most attracted to this are the people were were not accepted into communities already. Those who fear death and do not currently have very much on earth. Jesus wants to bring them to the heaven where they will not be thirsty or hungry or need to worry about anything. They will not have aliments or suffer they will join Jesus and be like him as well as with him. The Jews and gentiles seemingly would both be attracted to this form of christianity because it shows that everyone can benefit from Jesus and his love for them.