Team 3 Question 1 05/24

Jesus’ rejection at Nazareth is discussed in both Luke 4:16-30 and Mark 6:1-6. According to the Gospel of Luke, this story took place on the sabbath near the beginning of his Galilean ministry. Mark, on the other hand, positions this event in a way to express that Jesus is expanding his ministry beyond Galilee.

Being that Luke pulled from Mark, Q, and L, his Gospel is modified to all three. He has used these other sources to expand on Mark’s story, resulting in his depiction of the proclaimed messiah/reflection of the Holy Spirit. Added was the reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. This is a significant addition because in the teaching from the scroll, Jesus claims his identity as the anointed Lord, prophet, and deliverer of the Spirit for all men

The reaction of the crowd in Mark compared to Luke is significantly different. In Mark, the crowd is first astounded at Jesus’ knowledge and wisdom. It is stated that they soon became simply offended by him and rejected his ministry. In Luke, the crowd was also amazed at his words in the beginning. Although, once He proclaimed His ministry for all of man, including the Gentiles, the crowd was described as “filled with rage” as they proceed to drive him out of town. This reaction was not due to his claims of power, it was because he was offering his grace to the Gentiles as well.

Luke understands Jesus on more of the God end of the spectrum than the human end. In Luke 4:24-27, Jesus compares himself to prophets Elijah and Elisha in order to proclaim that he has the power to save the souls of all, heal all, and offer the Holy Spirit to all. It is clear that including the Gentiles in this offering is very offensive and rejected among the people of Nazareth, yet Jesus holds to his ministry. When the crowd reacted in rage, Luke once again hints at His prophetic power as he tells of Jesus passing through the midst of the now angry crowd and moving on. In contrast, Mark describes Jesus’ reaction as a bit more humanistic. He said that Jesus was amazed at their disbelief even after their witnessing of his power to heal. Here, he dwelled more on the emotion and realization instead of disappearing into the midst like a god.

Keeping in mind that Luke glorifies the power of Jesus, it becomes clear that the story of the rejection at Nazareth is placed at the beginning of his Galilean ministry to preface that his ministry will continue and not end with his hometown rejection. Instead of defeat, Luke emphasizes His inhuman power, love, calling, and understanding of the future. When it is all broken down, Luke’s goal is to prove Jesus’s prophecy as being the savior and healer of ALL.

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