Team 6, Question 2

In the parable of the ten bridesmaids, Matthew talks about how five of the bridesmaids were wise and five were foolish. The bridesmaids all took lamps and the wise brought oil to refuel them and the foolish did not. The bridegroom, or Jesus, was delayed so the ten ladies slept but when Jesus came the five wise bridesmaids re lit their lamps while the foolish bridesmaids did not. They left to refuel their lamps, and while they were gone Jesus took the wise bridesmaids to the Kingdom of Heaven and when the foolish bridesmaids came knocking he would not let them in only calling out “Truly I do not know you. Keep awake therefore, for you neither know the day nor the hour” (MT, 11-13). This parable is explaining that we should always be prepared for the arrival of Jesus because we don not know when he is coming so we must always follow the preaching’s of Jesus and the Word so we can be prepared like the wise bridesmaids.

In the parable the Judgment of the Nations, Jesus separates the good and the accused into groups. He explains to the good that they were always their to help him, fed him when he was hungry, clothed him when he was naked and visited him when he was sick. To the accused he explains they did none of these things and shall be punished by the fires of Hell. This parable helps to signify how important it is to help others, to love thy neighbors as oneself, and that those who don’t will not be excepted into the Kingdom of Heaven.

I believe these stories would have functioned well in Mathean society. These parables would have taught the Mathean Christians it was okay to follow the orders of the society but not to get comfortable and become like the society. The parables helped teach them that they must be always prepared for the arrival of Jesus because we do not know when he will arrive.

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