Tag Archives: kinship

Team 5: Question 2

Published on: Author: daver Leave a comment

A)  Paul uses kinship language extensively throughout 1 Thessalonians, whenever he expresses an idea he wishes to promote to the Thessalonians, he is sure to bring his listeners together under the kinship language. This can be seen right after the introduction, in which Paul states “For we know, brothers and sisters beloved by God, that… Continue reading

Team 4, Question 2

Published on: Author: jacksono Leave a comment

The entirety of 1 Thessalonians is littered with phrases referring to “brothers and sisters”, “children”, and “Love.” This use of language is no coincidence; Paul is using these words and themes to create a sense of community and loyalty among the Thessalonian Cult of Christ. The Thessalonian community is worried about their members that have… Continue reading