Team 2: Question 1

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a. In first Thessalonians Paul was a missionary who converted mainly gentiles. According to Ehrman, the majority of Thessalonian christians were not well educated, influential or from upper social classes. Their religious background before was known to be worshipping many other idols. Ehrman also notes that the converts began meeting periodically for fellowship and worship (208). This social aspect of the converts also sets up Paul’s letters as to “the church”.

b. After Paul departs, the congregation does well sticking to what they were taught. Also when Paul left there may have been more persecution of christians from either the authorities or just the general public. Paul instructs the congregation not to engage in sexual immortality (4:1-5:11) and to love one another (4:9-12). They are given this advice to give them the best defense against persecution. How can you be persecuted and looked at as wrong when you are being pure and loving to all people. In Ehrman he states “These admonitions serve both to promote group cohesion and to project an acceptable image of the group to those who are outside”. In response to the congregations fear of the “return of Jesus” and the “wrath thats coming” (211) , Paul tells the congregation to have hope and be comforted in light of what will happen when Jesus appears. It is also very apparent in Paul’s style of writing that he is very pleased with the converts and writes to them very personally as if talking to a friend.

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