Team 4: Question 2

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Throughout the book of Acts, many similarities between Paul and Jesus are revealed. For example, in Acts 20:22 Paul is on his way to Jerusalem knowing that he will be persecuted on arrival, just as Jesus was. Paul also travels around the Roman Empire preaching and ministering the “good news.” He also heals those who are ill and performs miracles, similar to Christ. However, it is important to note that Jesus was born pure and remained sinless throughout his life, but Paul was once a sinner and persecuted followers of Jesus and was then converted to Christianity. Driven by the Lord, Paul is able to preach to the gentile community in a way that the other disciples could not. Paul was once a gentile himself and was once a sinner, as was those around him. Paul is relatable to the general public because of his past and his revelation. It sends the message that those who have sinned can still believe in Jesus Christ and can still be forgiven for their sins. Without divine guidance, Paul would not have been compelled to follow in the Jesus movement and he would not have been so instrumental in the spread of Christianity. God guided Paul to many different places to preach the news of Jesus and his miracles. When Paul goes to these places he ministers and performs miracles as well, allowing his audiences to see and believe. Therefore, Christianity is being spread through God guiding Paul to these different areas of the Roman Empire.

The theme of innocence is prominent throughout the New Testament. Many of Christianity’s main figures were considered innocent at some point in their lives. Jesus was crucified for a crime that he was not guilty for. Pontius Pilate contends to Jesus’ innocence in Luke 23:47. He also wants to remain innocent as he allows the people to persecute Jesus, rather than himself. The authors of the synoptic gospels also frequently mention children. In Luke 18:16, Jesus states, “’Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.’” Children are considered innocent. They are clean from sins and have not yet seen the evils of the world. Those who have been baptized by the Holy Spirit and believe in Jesus are children of God, forgiven of their sins and pure. Luke’s story of Paul emphasizes his goodness as he is persecuted for following and preaching the Word. Paul’s innocence echoes that of Jesus’ innocence. The Pharisees even doubt that Paul has committed a crime as they declare, “’We find nothing wrong with this man. What if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him?’” (Acts 23:9). The claim of Paul’s virtue by the Pharisees is parallel to Pilate’s decision in Jesus’ case. Luke uses the theme of innocence to compare the careers of Jesus and Paul while also highlighting the idea that even though Paul was once a sinner, he can be forgiven and innocent after being baptized by the Holy Spirit. I believe that Luke gives the details and descriptions of Paul’s experiences and his innocence to give followers a relatable disciple that gives, those who have not been saved, hope for forgiveness.

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