Team 5 Question 2

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Jesus does spectacular miracles in the book of John. He turns water into wine, heals Capernaum official’s ill son, brings health to the paralytic, feeds the 5,000 followers, walks on water, gives site to a bling man and raises Lazarus from the dead. Miracles play a role of making people believe Jesus. Miracles also take the role of helping Jesus spread the word about internal life. Chapter one of John described to the readers John’s purpose of life. The genealogy and details of John and Jesus’s childhood is skipped. John was born by the holy spirit as was Jesus who was born after John. John was sent by God to testify to the light (John 1:8) knowing that the people in the light would not all listen. One of the first stories to be talked about in the book of John was Nathanael. Nathanael was lead to Jesus by Philip. Nathanael did not believe the messiah was Jesus (John 1:46). Jesus proves himself to Nathanael by “I saw you under the fig tree before Philip called you.” The first half of John is full of stories and miracles of Jesus proving himself to Jews and gentiles. Chapter four the royal official’s son was at the point of death. All Jesus says, “go, your son will live.” The royal official and his family put their trust in Jesus and their son was healed.
Chapter 11 of John, Jesus heals Lazarus. Jesus does not fear heading back to the village of Bethany where Jews tried to stone him. When Jesus arrived in the village he weeps with Mary and Martha. They both say to Jesus, “Lord if you would have been her my brother would not have died” (John 11:21). Jesus continues to tell Mary and Martha to believe in the Lords power. The Jews make a point by asking Jesus if you can heal a bling man can you raise the dead (John 11:37). Jesus gets, “disturbed” and has to ask twice for somebody to move the stone in order to get to Lazarus tomb. Once Jesus prays to God he commands Lazarus to “come out” (John 11:43). Those who witnessed this miracle ran to the Pharisees and shared what had happened. A meeting accord between chief of council and Pharisees. During the meeting Jesus was the topic because he was a threat to them. The council started planning on how to kill Jesus from this meeting on.

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