Tag Archives: Thessalonians

Question 1 Response

Published on: Author: bdhenin@uoregon.edu Leave a comment

1 Thessalonians is a letter written by Paul the Apostle to the Christians in Thessalonica. Paul talks about his followers (the people that he converted to Christianity) throughout the letter and makes many mentions of their previous suffering before they found God, though he makes no mention of the specific cause of the suffering (1:6-8,… Continue reading

Paul and the Thessalonians

Published on: Author: bdowsett@uoregon.edu Leave a comment

Within 1 Thessalonians, Paul writes a letter to the Christian community in Thessalonica in Macedonia in northern Greece. According to 1:9, the religious background of the people included them worshiping idols before they were saved by God. This means that they were previously Gentiles. These people originated from Macedonia and Achaia, the two Roman provinces… Continue reading