Tag Archives: pharisees

Matthew’s Views on Community Life and Opposition to the Pharisees

Published on: Author: jfaris@uoregon.edu 1 Comment

Matthew 16:13-20 revised Mark 8:27-30 by increasing the amount of messianic imagery and overtones and inserting a few verses where Jesus instructs Peter on the founding of his church (he will be the “rock” of the church). He endows Peter with the authority (“keys”) to regulate what is allowed and prohibited in the church, in… Continue reading

Matthew’s Sermons- additions to Mark

Published on: Author: eef@uoregon.edu Leave a comment

In Matthews account 16:13-20 of Jesus questioning the disciples on his nature, three lines are added from Mark’s account including a foretelling of the future, and emphasizing a) That Jesus is the Messiah son of God and b) That his disciples are not aware of this in “flesh and blood” but have acknowledged it. The… Continue reading