Tag Archives: messiah

Gospel of Mark: Section 1

Published on: Author: amomoh@uoregon.edu

The gospel of Mark is both the earliest and shortest of the four gospels of the New Testament. Attributed to a follower of the Jesus Movement named Mark, the gospel focuses on the events and stories of Jesus’ life that highlight His heroism, divinity, and oneness with God. Mark’s writings, while historical, are not free… Continue reading

Jesus Represented in Mark

Published on: Author: mikaylaa@uoregon.edu 7 Comments

It is clearly seen through the Gospel of Mark, that he is trying to persuade his audience in believing and using the terms “Messiah” and “Son of God” by opening up his Gospel stating, “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Because Mark is considered the first Gospel written… Continue reading

Mark’s Jesus

Published on: Author: biby@uoregon.edu

The Gospel of Mark is rooted in Jewish tradition. It can be seen through out Mark’s entire Gospel. Mark starts off by naming the subject he will be talking about: “The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Readers living in the Greco-Roman world would not recognize “Christ” as a name, not even as a… Continue reading