Tag Archives: empty tomb

John’s versus Mark’s Gospel

Published on: Author: mikaylaa@uoregon.edu 5 Comments

The Gospel of John exemplifies the divinity of Jesus in various ways that differentiates itself from the three other synoptic Gospels. There is added detail about his love and compassion for his disciples and the people of the Earth. He describes himself as being like God multiple times throughout the story of John. This specific… Continue reading

Johannine Gospel Differences

Published on: Author: kallen9@uoregon.edu 9 Comments

John stands alone when compared to the other three Gospel stories. His story functions to portray and elevate his status as well as God’s in this particular story, describing himself multiple times as synonymous with God and the imperative nature of belief in Him. John’s gospel story immediately starts out differently than Mark’s, as John… Continue reading