Women vs Patriarchal Values

Published on: Author: asmet@uoregon.edu 2 Comments

Pastorals wants to promote a type of Christianity that was aligned with the patriarchal values of the Roman world. These values were 1) men were superior to women 2) men were active in public spaces 3) women should always be under the guardianship of a male figure.

Males take a leadership role over the church in Timothy 2:8–15 The men are instructed to lift up their holy hands and pray while the women dress modestly and learn in quietness and full submission. Women are to be quiet and never to assume authority over a man. Timothy 2:8–15 justifies this by saying that Adam was formed first and was not the one deceived. All the women will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith love and holiness with propriety. sTimothy 3:1–13 expands on the roles for men in the church such as overseers and deacons. Whoever aspires to be an overseer must be faithful to his wife, self-controlled, manage his family well and have a good reputation with outsiders. Same goes for deacons, they must first be tested and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

Women’ roles in the church are to be worthy of respect not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.Titus 2:3–5 suggests that men can teach the older women to be reverent so they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children.

1 Timothy 5:3–16: Handling Widows

The widow puts her hope in God. Widows should put religion to practice and take care of their own family so by repaying their parents and grandparents.Widows almost be over 60 should be known for having been faithful to her husband and for good deeds. Younger widows are encouraged to remarry, have children, manage their homes and to be given no opportunity for slander.

Paul often reference women in his letters. Here are some examples;

Philippians 4:2-3

Paul asks that help be given to these women since they have contended on his side in the cause of the gospel.

Romans 16:1

Paul refers to sister Phoebe as a deacon of the church in Cenchreae.

Romans 16:3

Paul refers to Priscella and Aquila as co-workers in Christ.

What can we deduce from Paul’s letters about his views on women leadership is that women carry a prominent role in the church. Women are destined for a larger role than that of abiding the patriarchal values of the Roman world.

2 Responses to Women vs Patriarchal Values Comments (RSS) Comments (RSS)

  1. In this comment, you discuss how the Pastorals aimed to promote a type of Christianity that aligned with the patriarchal values of the Roman world. You highlight three key aspects of these values: men’s superiority over women, men’s active participation in public spaces, and women’s need to be under the guardianship of a male figure.

    You provide examples from the Pastorals, such as 1 Timothy 2:8-15, which emphasizes men’s leadership roles in prayer and women’s submission, and Titus 2:3-5, which suggests that older men should teach reverence to older women who, in turn, should guide younger women. You also mention 1 Timothy 5:3-16, which addresses the responsibilities of widows in the church and their role in caring for their families.

    Furthermore, you point out that Paul often refers to women in his letters, highlighting their significant contributions to the church, such as Phoebe, Priscilla, and Aquila. Despite the patriarchal values present in the Pastorals, you argue that Paul’s letters suggest a more prominent role for women in the church, surpassing the limitations of the Roman world’s patriarchal norms.

    In conclusion, your comment provides a thoughtful analysis of the Pastorals’ approach to gender roles in Christianity and the contrasting perspective presented by Paul’s letters, which seem to grant women a more significant and influential position within the church.

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