Johannine Gospel Differences

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John stands alone when compared to the other three Gospel stories. His story functions to portray and elevate his status as well as God’s in this particular story, describing himself multiple times as synonymous with God and the imperative nature of belief in Him. John’s gospel story immediately starts out differently than Mark’s, as John does nothing  to describe either the annunciation of Jesus’s death nor the acts of Simon-Paul. (14:32-42) Jesus’s relationship to Judas between these two passages differ greatly, for in Mark, Judas deceives Jesus and is thus captured by the mob. However in John, Jesus is all-knowing and understands that Judas is in fact betraying him. Judas has almost no affiliation with Jesus except for being a disciple and being the one of the twelve who will betray him.

In John, Jesus’ march to his death is illustrated as that of a martyr; he carries his own cross to the place of his death, willingly and in full confidence that He will save and watch over Jesus. However in Mark, a random stranger is pulled off the road to bear his cross from him. He is still bound in Mark’s gospel so he had to be carried to the place of his death; not quite as distinguished or noble as in John.

In the gospel of John, Jesus is utterly confident while on the cross. He does not seem to feel pain, is concerned about others and leaves in a peaceful, resounding way. However in Mark, Jesus is unsure in the end. He beseech’s God about why He has forsaken him, crying out in agony and disparagement. John’s version reflects Jesus in a much more regal manner, he is someone in which people can look up to and rally around.

Again John upholds Jesus in a more positive, omnipotent light, when he changes out the man who tells Mary Magdalene that Jesus has risen with two angels, much more magnanimous. Having two angels tell of ones resurrection seems more glorious and simply divine than having a random man be inserted to do the same thing. Another discrepancy is the absence of the “other disciple” from Mark.. In John he is the one who reaches the tomb first along with both Mary’s and Peter, and is the one who tells that Jesus is not in the tomb. What purpose does this other disciple serve other than to add another witness to the empty tomb? This could be the beloved disciple who is unnamed but assumed to be John.

Essentially, John functions to portay Jesus as an all-powerful, omnipotent, all-knowing entity. It develops Jesus in way to make him seem great and be great. It goes into more detail about his acts and all of his acts are to show how he is great, not so much as to help people as the Savior of Man, like he is in Mark. It also serves to illustrate how Jesus wants people to know he’s the messiah and uses his powers to do this. However, in Mark he tells others to not reveal his coming, he denies those who ask for a sign, those people simply do not have enough faith in the Lord. Alternatively, in John he actively recruits people to his cause through the use of miracles and shows of power from God. It is much more like an ancient biography in this way; it upholds the main character, talking and explaining details about him, rather than a story about the glory of God.

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