In the church, men took the leadership roles as pastors or bishops. They watched over the people in the church and spoke the word of God while the women were seen as nurturers and teachers to the youth. Women were not allowed to be ahead of a man in leadership roles. As stated in 1 Timothy 2:12, “I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent.” The advice for handling widows in 1 Timothy is to honor the real widows, the ones who have children or grandchildren. Paul saw women in roles of leadership when working for God. Some of the women he mentioned in Romans were deacons or women who just worked hard for the Lord. So Paul’s views of women contrast the views in 1 Timothy because Paul saw women in higher up ranks in terms of jobs for God but 1 Timothy has women deemed as “below men” or just caretakers of youth.