Blog Post 2 Thess Eschatology

Published on: Author: dscott5 9 Comments

The author of 2 Thessalonians is concerned with the belief that the new age is upon those he is writing to and that these people believe that the day of the Lord is already here (2 Thess 2:2) The author also mentioned that specific events have to occur before the day of the Lord will come. the lawless one has to go to the Temple and declare that he is God (2 Thess 2:4). The author is concerned that the Thessalonians believe that they have stopped working becauseĀ  they think the the day of the Lord is upon them even though the events that needed to occur have not yet happened. The author declares that God sent a powerful delusion to these people making then believe false teachings and that they need to realize that they are wrong (2 Thess 2:11-12). The author makes a clear timetable that needs to occur in order for the day of the Lord to actually be upon these people. 1 Thessalonians makes it clear that the day of the Lord is will happen very soon (1 Thess 4:13-17), compared to 2 Thess which states that it is not imminent (2 Thess 2:2). 1 Thess also makes it clear that the day of the Lord with be sudden and unexpected (1 Thess 5:2-3), but in 2 Thess the author lays out specific events that must occur before the day of the Lord can occur. The teachings are similar in 1 Cor 7 because the author is telling the people to get back to work and not just wait for the Lord to return. These passages make it clear that the authors thoughts on the end of time is completely different from what Paul wrote in 1 Thess. This complete change in thought was probably due to the differences in the communities for which each letter was written. The community in 2 Thess needed to be commanded to work and not live like every day was their last, and that they needed to wait for the end of times to occur after certain events take place.

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