Philippians is a letter written by Paul to the community in Philippi. Paul wrote this letter while in prison awaiting trail. This letter has a much different tone than his other letters like 1 and 2 Corinthians. In the first couple verses it is easy to see that Paul has affection for the Philippians, and the affection seems to be mutual. This is why Philippians is referred to as the “friendship letter.” Paul has a kinder tone when addressing the Philippians. This is a big change from the problems he had in other places and that can be seen in the way he addressed the other communities. Paul relays the importance of being unified in this letter. In the Christ Hymn, 2:6-11, Paul paints a picture of Christ that he wants all to see. Paul starts with the preexistence of Christ as a heavenly being by stating that Christ was in the form of God. He also says that he did not have equality with God. Christ gave himself up to the world by being born in human likeness. He describes Christ’s humiliation by saying that he humbled himself in human form and endured death on a cross. Paul moves next to talk about Christ’s exaltation. He says God exalted him and gave him the name Jesus and that all those on earth, in heaven and hell shall kneel to him. The last verse is about living out Christ’s teachings and confessing that Jesus Christ is God the Father. Paul celebrates Christ’s life of selflessness to his death to his exaltation. In 4:2-3, Paul is urging Euodia and Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord due to their conflicting views. Paul reemphasizes the importance of staying unified. According to the footnotes, Euodia and Syntyche are two women leader in the Philippian church, who are most likely in charge of house-churches and are helpers and overseers in the church.
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