Galatians Question 1

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I feel Paul was to upset with the people of Galatia that he didn’t feel a thanksgiving at the beginning of his letter was necessary or appropriate due to the subject matter. Paul, I don’t think, was feeling vary thankful at that moment moment either and his anger could be a vary good reason for not having one. We read in Galatians 1:1 that Paul was an apostle. He later goes on to address “the churches of Galatia”. (Galatians 1:2)  These two versus explain who he is and his standing in the community. We knew that he is of importance to the people because he is the one writing this letter for God but it is good he defined himself as well. Paul depicts himself as an apostle who has received a message from God to spread to the people. This is important because we need to know that these words are not coming from Paul himself or any other human, but from Jesus Christ and God. I would characterize Paul’s tone as angry. He is angry at the Galatians because they so quickly deserted the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ for a different, untrue gospel. Galatians 1:6 says “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.” I feel that this one verse vary clearly summarized the issue Paul is addressing in his letter. In verse seven he claims there is no other gospel then that of Jesus Christ so anything else should be accursed. I feel that Paul did a good job of spreading this message to the people and showing his feelings at the same time. I appreciate his boldness.