Blog Post Question #2

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In Thessalonians paul is using this language to separate the believers from the false prophets. The thessalonians endured suffering and thanked god for their endurance. They responded joyfully, so paul responded with gratefulness for them recognizing him “For you remember, brothers, our labor and toil; working night and day in order not to be a burden to any of you, we preached the gospel of God to you. You and God are witnesses of how holy, righteous and blameless we were among you who believed (1 Thessalonians 2:9‐10).

Many of the thessalonians had developed a behavior that developed into a problem. Due to being under the influence of false prophets. Many of them believed that the finishing of the age to come had already occurred or that it was just around the corner. And because of this, they treated many matters pertaining to life in this age as inconsequential. Paul wrote in order to give them an outlook on life, and whats to come. Their conversion proved that god had chosen them for salvation. The advice that paul gives is to remain faithful the Lord would condemn the disobedient and reward the faithful when he returned. Paul wanted to make it clear that the return of Christ should motivate all believers to live holy lives. In 5:1-11 paul says “There is peace and security then sudden destruction” this is referring to a slogan of the roman empire, those who do not follow jesus are forecasting a bright future and when they believe that they are at peace the final day of destruction will hit. Only those who follow jesus will be prepared for this, paul is suggesting that the romans are not followers of god but rather idolize their own ruler.

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