1) John illustrates that Jesus is “a God striding over the face of the earth” through his Gospel writings. He talks about passion, an empty tomb and the resurrection stories. In chapter 18 Judas betrays Jesus, but Jesus already knew this was going to happen in Chapter 13. Jesus knows that one of his disciples is going to betray him, his disciples want to know who. Jesus proclaims it is Judas, when he ate the bread Satan had entered him. When the police from the chief priests and the Pharisees asked who is “Jesus of Nazareth”, Jesus came forth. Juda just stood there and watched. Since Jesus knew what Juda was going to do, I felt he had a sense of forgiveness towards Juda, when he stated “do quickly what you are going to do.” In the Gospel of Mark he describes the arrest scene in much greater detail than the gospel of John. In Mark there was more grief and anger present then in John where Jesus seemed calm and accepting what is to happen.
2) In the Gospel of Mark he doesn’t say much about Jesus’s march to the place of his death, he just says Simon is carrying his cross, where as in the Gospel of John he says Jesus carried his cross himself and states where they are.
3) In the Gospel of John he describes the scene, where Jesus is on the cross. John states that his mother and his mother’s sister were there near the cross. Jesus states “I am thirsty” they give him a jar of sour wine, when he finished drinking he said “It is finished”, then Jesus bowed his head and passed away. Jesus seemed to understand what was happening and had faith. Where as in Mark again he portrayed Jesus to be upset and scared that he was going to die. Saying Jesus cried out “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?”
4) Both stories in the Gospel of John and Mark are similar about the empty tomb, but the stories are opposite in order from each other. John starts off with less description of Mary visiting the tomb then Mark. Both Gospels state that the stone had been moved. In John Mary ran and got Peter and the disciples, in Mark the man in the white robe told Mary to get Peter. In John Mary is weeping and Jesus talks to her where as in Mark he doesn’t say anything about Jesus reappearing.
Mark and John write about similar stories, but each telling it in a different way, John portrays Jesus as calm and collective through his trials, where Mark portrays Jesus to be scared and overwhelmed. John’s stories are more closely related to the genre of an ancient biography because he seems to use less dialogue and more a narrative view.