Luke and the Great Banquet

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In the parable of the Great Banquet, Luke demonstrates that the invitation of God is not limited to the Jews or the rich. He does this by showing how the original guests denied the invitation and how everyone was then given the opportunity to come to the feast. In fact the Jews have turned their back on their God and now He has opened the doors to everyone. Luke has written this in such a way because he is trying to find a place for the gentiles in this new community.

In the story of the rich man and lazarus, Luke casts the upper class in a negative light while showing how the poor will be welcome in heaven. The roles that were present in life no longer have bearing in the afterlife, allowing for the rich to become poor and the poor to become rich.

In each of these passages the poor and down trodden are given care while the negative figures are all the noblemen and wealthy. Jesus is shown to be a savior for the masses. He protects those who have been discard by society.


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