Luke Births and Prologue

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Luke introduces his gospel by stating that he is going to give an orderly account of what he believes happened. He promises to present the truth to back up everything that is currently being taught. Throughout his prologue, Luke presents his information in a what seems to be a pretty educated manner. Luke wants to set his gospel apart from the other gospels. Luke begins his gospel by telling the births stories of John and Jesus. Luke begins with with the birth of John and then moves into the birth of Jesus. John and Jesus’ stories are very similar. Elizabeth, John’s mother, was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. Prior to giving birth to John, Elizabeth was said to be barren. Jesus’ mother Mary was also impregnated by the Holy Spirit. Mary was a virgin before giving birth to Jesus. Both John and Jesus’ births were celebrated elaborately and both were going to convert many to the side of God and serve him well. Luke uses these stories to speak to a Gentile audience. In Luke 1:69-71, Luke writes about a savior that will save the Israelites from their enemies. Later, Luke continues to emphasize the coming of a savior or messiah. In Luke 2:10-12, the angel Gabriel is telling some shepherds about the birth of Jesus. Gabriel says that he is the savior and messiah. He is a descendant of David. Luke does a great job of telling the birth stories of John and Jesus. Luke sets his gospel apart from previous gospels by introducing some of his own material while incorporating previously used material from other gospels.

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