The Mark and Matthew interpretations of Jesus are different in a few ways. The first way is that I believe that Mark writes about a seeing is believing type of faith. Since Jesus performed that miracle exorcism in public, everyone saw that everyone, even other-worldly, unclean spirits, had to listen to the voice of Jesus. Matthew portrays Jesus as a person that set rules for people to follow. If they wanted to follow that was good, but Jesus never forced anyone to follow him. He allowed people to be open-minded and to be led to Jesus, not forced to Him. Matthew does have a lot of Jewish-like scripture. It makes it feel like I am reading the Old Testament. The Sermon on the Mount is written in a form that is similar to the Ten Commandments. Instead of “Thou Shalt…,” it is “Blessed Are.” The Sermon on the Mount showed a glimpse of what it would have been under God’s rule. It would honestly not be that different from the Roman Empire. In the sense that each would just have one person ruling over a lot of people, with the people not having any say at all.